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Fitness and Sports

Your Bucket List—Unique Adaptive Adventures to Try

Looking for a little adventure? Add these heart-pounding activities and travel destinations to your bucket list to make your lifelong dreams come true.

by: KMT May, 2021 5 min read

If you’re looking to add some must-do adaptive adventures to your bucket list, there are plenty of safe and fun opportunities for those with a spinal cord injury.

Having limited mobility doesn’t prevent you from going on many unique adventures. If you’re compiling a bucket list, consider some of these once-in-a-lifetime adaptive adventures.

Man in wheelcyhair on climbing wall

Adaptive adventures for your bucket list

Any bucket list usually includes a variety of activities, tasks and destinations that you want to experience during your lifetime. Whilst everyone’s bucket list is different, one common theme is adventure. As adaptive technology continues to evolve and advance, there will be more chances for you to experience something new and different.

Here are just a few possible adaptive adventures to add to your bucket list:

·       Scuba travel destinations: Many scuba destinations feature amazing coral reefs and exotic aquatic wildlife. Diventures offers a comprehensive travel service. Dive Pirates is a non-profit organisation with a mission to support, train, equip and provide diving travel to individuals through adaptive scuba diving.

·       Sky diving: Go from the wheelchair to the air with an activity that can give you an incredible sense of freedom. Many skydiving businesses offer tandem skydiving programmes with special adaptive equipment for paraplegic or quadriplegic adventurers.

·       Whitewater rafting: A common bucket list item, white-water rafting is a heart-pounding activity that can be modified to accommodate those with a spinal cord injury safely. For instance, you can book a trip for a five-day adaptive rafting adventure on the Yampa River in Western Colorado.

·       Alpine skiing and snowboarding: Add a trip to a pristine ski resort destination to your bucket list. Adaptive skiing can be done sitting, using bi-ski, dual-ski or mono-ski adaptive equipment. Check your favourite ski resort destination and assistive programmes in the area to ensure that this equipment is available.

·       Rock climbing: Climbing gives you the chance to learn a new skill whilst enjoying the great outdoors. Adaptive climbing equipment, such as handlebar-style ascenders, custom harnesses and straps, can help you climb safely with ease. Seek the help of local climbing clubs to learn the ropes and practice on climbing walls indoors before heading outside or booking a travel destination.

There’s no limit to adaptive adventures

With a little research, you can find many local and national organisations with assistive programmes and adaptive equipment to help make your lifelong dreams a reality. Combine these adventures with travel to exotic and scenic destinations to start checking off the items on your bucket list.


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